The Shelter – “Hands Heavenward” Contest
It’s simple, and we’re pretty sure, it’s the only one of its kind by any band so far.
Here are the details, we want your “Shelter” story…
Shelter came into existence in 1989 after a jigsaw puzzle of players, shows and demos had been produced by JT and
a variety of musicians. From ’89 on, there were countless shows, performances,
demo’s and then, in ’91, the self-titled indie. During that time,
we had a chance to meet a lot of people, friends, and fans alike. We shared a
lot of really good times. But we know there are plenty fans who we never got
to meet Shelter, and some, who we never had the chance to play live for and countless others world-wide who have heard the
music, but never met the real guys behind the music. To this day, we get fan
mail about memories… Shelter related. We, as a band and as individuals,
have scolls of memories, but that’s not what counts. We want to hear your Shelter story, and here is why…
As we close out the production of the album, we are preparing to release it as an indie again, and this time 14 years
later, it will include the best memory of the ultimate fan who has stayed with us all
this time.
You are found to be THE ULTIMATE FAN. Your memory will become part of
Shelter history !!!!!!!
Here’s how to enter:
In 250 words or less, tell us your special memory of anything, related to Shelter.
It can be the first time you heard or saw the band, or met one of the band members.
Hey, you may have a memory of you and your special ‘someone’, and a Shelter tune… It’s definitely
not about our fans of close proximity. We wish people from around the world had
been a closer part of those early years… We’re definitely not looking
for a great album or show review. Those things are all well and good, but that’s
about the masses and the energy. THIS IS ABOUT YOU….the fan!
Send us your story by email or post to the address at the bottom of this page:
The band will read every story! Shelter will go over the whole lot and
pick the one that stands out to all of us! Simple as that! You write, we read, and a REAL fan wins! We are english guys,
and we want any and every story, in any language, and we will figure out translating…
!!!!!!! THE PRIZE !!!!!!!
You will win… 5 copies of the new album (2 sealed, 2 autographed by the band,
and 1 framed artwork copy, also autographed by the band). This is one prize! There is no second prize. Here’s
where it gets really cool and outta’ control…
ON THE ALBUM AS THE ULTIMATE FAN!!!!!!! Your Shelter memory will be printed on
the credits. This is what Shelter is really all about, YOU, the fan, the ULTIMATE FAN!
is no official deadline to the contest yet, but that’s in your favor, as we are finishing album productions, and will
lay out the final artwork when everything is done, done, DONE! We’re projecting
for about May-June!
story will become the property of “Shelter” when you send it in. By
entering the contest, you are agreeing that you will not expect any payment or royalty for your text composition. You will not be compensated or paid in any way for the story. You
are freely submitting your ‘script’ and will be compensated in no other way beyond that of the possibility of
winning the “prize” as mentioned above! You agree to this disclaimer
by entering the contest. Shelter/Paradise Now Productions and its members take
no responsibility for plagiarized material. The winner will be informed by email/post
of winning before the artwork goes to print.
with “Ultimate” in the subject line:
or by snail mail to:
Ultimate Fan Contest”
c/o Paradise Now Productions
18 Horne Drive, Ste. B
Brampton, ON
L6V 2V3
Please include a return address/email address for contact and shipping purposes.
This address will be kept confidential and will not be distributed in any way.
don’t want anyone to feel left out in all of this, and wish that every entry could win.
That’s just not possible. We hope that the new CD will be a great
reward, you’ll support the band, even if you don’t win by buying a copy.
We’re confident it will be well worth waiting for, after all these years.
It will be available through this web site as soon as it’s released! The
Golden Rules still is… We wanna' hear you singin' louder than us!