Paradise Now Productions


Click 4 clip from Hands Heavenward!

Paradise Now Productions


Hands Heavenward to be released January 10th, 2006!!!


...Paradise Now Productions...

exclusive management

for the group Shelter.


This site is active only for the purposes of contacting Paradise Now Productions regarding booking & info regarding Shelter.


The Band's new site is up and running (under construction) but will be fully active on January 10th!


Visit ! 


!!!!!SUPER NEWS!!!!!
Shelter has struck a deal with DSB Records on all Non USA and Canada distribution of the Catalogue CD's from Shelter.  Visit to order if you want to buy Shelter cd's and are outside of the USA and Canada!!!!!!!  Thanks to DB for all the hard work in making this happen!!!
contact DSB ...
DSB Mail-Order Business
Postfach 1202
D-74802 Mosbach / Germany
Tel: +49-6269-428214 Fax: +49-6269-428281
info (a)

Welcome to the website of the management group for the band "Shelter".  Thanks for stopping by and please support the band if you can, thanks!

The "Golden Rule" according to Shelter:

We wanna' hear you singin' louder than us!

Want to keep up to date with band info?  Head to the new site at for current band news!


"Shelter NewS" has been slowed for a while with the album release delays, but will pick up again shortly.  We'll be moving all the recipients to the new list and things should pick up around the beginning of February.  


The "Ultimate Fan" contest was won by Mandy Apa and she's going to receive a lot of goodies.  The info will be on the band's new site .


Some serious interest is still out there regarding the "Shelter", "JT Shelter", and "Paradise Now" material.  Here at PNP, we're still discussing the options we have with the old distributor, hopefully, there will be some good news to follow shortly.


As for the new web site, and it's launch, it will co-launch around the album release time.  NEW news, NEW photos, NEW look, NEW sound, totally in your face, but hopefully, the way you want it.  For now we hope you'll check back frequently for the updates.


We've left those old demos on the music section, and we are hoping fans will start rating and reviewing our efforts... and there should be some old tracks you can rip.  Some of this stuff dates as far back as 1986!

...Patrick, Steve, Daniel, & JT....
Shelter '05
...Shelter '05...

The NEWS!!! Jan 1, 2006

The recording of the new album "Hands Heavenward" is FINISHED!  Product is being mass produced as we speak!  A hint or two, the album includes 9 songs...listed below...


Word From The Wise

Summer's Rain


Sometimes She Cries

Fooled Again


Still Waiting

Dream's Not Dead

Hands Heavenward


The new sound still has that same "Shelter" feel, and believe it or not, some of the same Marshall amps and guitars from the original are here again, but the technical recording gains of 15 years are in our favour!!!  Take Shelter, add some modern fidelity, and there you have it... a pretty huge WALL OF SOUND!!!


The debut "Shelter" indy from '91 is not available through PNP right now but maybe you'll find a copy or two on ebay auctions.  DSB Records has the rights to the 1991 release.  All the final prints are being released with a unit number now, down to disc #0000.


Some tapes of the indy are still available, through this site only for $7.00USD.  Email us (include your full address, if you are interested and we will send you a bill including shipping costs!


We can't stress enough, our thanks to our long term fans!  See you on the 10th!

This is the cover
Shelter Indie
from the '91 indie.
And here is the new line-up...
...from L to R - Dan, Steve, Patrick, and JT.
Here's a pic of the original band...
...before BL tracked with us!
The contest details have been worked out!!!
This contest is the coolest ever!!!
You've got to read the details as to the !prize only that will be Awarded!  Somebody is going into the Shelter history book for sure!!!
So visit the contest entry page to find out what the grand prize is, and when the contest will run!!!
Here's some old artwork that was to be part of...
Lyric Overlay
...the band's press kit. Click for full size!!!
The Paradise Now album was reviewed by HM (Hard Music) Magazine.  Here's the quick review comments:
Paradise Now   Like early-80's White Heart or Nouveaux?  How about Michael Sweet's first solo cd?  Those same sounds (high harmonies in pop arena rock) are here, along with the expected vocals.  For info, write: 18 Horne Dr., Brampton, Ontario, L6V 2V3, CANADA.

Address your questions or concerns to or the address at the bottom of this page.

1 of 2 covers that...
Paradise Now CD Cover
...was released in 1998.

This is a copy of the Masters from the Paradise Now project from 1998.  These are pretty much impossible songs to find, except for mp3 copies around the WWW.  Artwork (both versions will be emailed to your address of choice when you buy one of these.

Here's the end of...
Shelter 1991 Indie CD!
...the original print!!!

Yes, there are original sealed copies available of the album.  As promised, we have now released these as the new album launch approaches.  These are the finals from the original print, but the next print version of this album, will not be identical, even the product code will be different.  If you want an original, grab 'em now.  This is for USA and Canada only.... Outside please order thru  .
The price of $44.99US includes all international shipping!

Check out the links below!!!
This page and most of the pics will be "pulled" from the site with the next major site update, so d'load them now if you want 'em as they will be gone soon!   Newer photos will replace them, so all's good that ends good!
Click on this monstrosity to see and
hear some new Shelter stuff...

Questions or comments?
Want or got biz with Shelter,
 Get in touch with us at:

Mailing Address:

Info about Paradise Now Productions should be directed to:
18 Horne Drive
Brampton, Ontario
L6V 2V3

Phone: 416-707-7623